

The dflash command allows flashing an application built with dbuild into a Kiwi-enabled microcontroller.


Usage: ./dflash [-h] [-v] [-b <BAUDRATE>] [-d <SER_PORT>] [-L <LFUSE>] [-H <HFUSE>] [-E <EFUSE>] [-B <LOCK>] [-F <HEX_FILE>]
    * -h           Display this
    * -v           Increase verbose level by one (default: 0)
    * -b BAUDRATE  Set baudrate for serial communication (default: 19200)
    * -d SER_PORT  Set serial port device for communication (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
    * -L LFUSE     Set Low Fuse
    * -H HFUSE     Set High Fuse
    * -E EFUSE     Set Extended Fuse
    * -B LOCK      Set Lock Bits
    * -F HEX_FILE  Flash Intel Hex file

With no arguments, dflash will simply query the device's fuse bits and display them before exiting.

Note: Some extra command-line options are available for Fuse Bit control, though this is not supported by Kiwi (fuse bits can only be configured through an ICSP programmer. See how is Kiwi flashed?)