At the heart of the Dooba SDK lies the dbuild tool.
It is responsible for figuring out the dependency tree of any firmware element, downloading/updating necessary dependencies, and actually building everything (compiling, assembling, linking).
Usage: ./dbuild [-h] [-v] [-p] [-U <USERNAME>] [-P <PROTOCOL>] [TARGET] * -h Display this * -v Increase verbose level by one (default: 0) * -p Pull changes from element sources * -U USERNAME Set default username for git access (default: current user or 'dooba') * -P PROTOCOL Set default protocol for git access (default: 'https://') * TARGET Build application TARGET (required if multiple targets in current directory)
If dbuild is run from a directory where only one firmware element exists (only one dfe.conf file), the "TARGET" argument can be omitted - dbuild will automatically build that element.